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¿Qué es el tamaño del tablero??

What is Dash size?

En pocas palabras, Dash is a method of expressing conversion units using 16 Como el denominador para indicar el tamaño del diámetro interior de la manguera.

Esto hace que sea fácil convertir el tamaño del diámetro interior en unidades fraccionarias.

* Tamaños comunes como 4/16 ″, we also usually simplify it to 1/4″.

Al mismo tiempo, since the conversion relationship between dash numbers y pulgadas is fixed, this means that no matter what type of hose or manufacturer, the same dash number represents the same size.

So, when you first select GEMCO or ZMTE related hose and connector products, you can refer to the Dash numbers of other brands of products in your hands for preliminary matching, so that you can select products more quickly.

Dash size of hose

El dash size de manguera is based on the value of its inside diameter (I.D.).

Por ejemplo, “-4” indicates a hose with an inside diameter of 4/16” or 1/4”.

Dash size of tube

In addition to hoses, we also use pipes. Unlike hoses, el dash size de tube is based on the value of its outside diameter (O.D.).

Por ejemplo, “-6” indicates a tube with an outer diameter of 6/16” or 3/8”.

Dash size of connector

In GEMCO’s part number 1N143-6-4,

“-6 ” indicates a 3/8” NPTF fixed external thread connector end, and “-4” indicates that the compatible hose size is 1/4”.

Por supuesto, we will use various thread standards on the connector end, and the corresponding thread size will also vary.

Please refer to the table below for a quick match.


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