
1JC43-8-8 はじめに

The 43 GEMCOの一連の油圧ホースフィッティングは、組み立てのしやすさで有名です, 形状とエンドの幅広い選択, ホースの互換性, 市場全体で広範な使用. 43 シリーズフィッティングは、外側のホースカバーを取り外さずに組み立てることができます, eliminating premature hose failure caused by skiving too long or too short.


The 43 Series fittings feature one-piece construction with chromium-6-free plating, and are compatible with petroleum-based hydraulic fluids and lubricating oils and with phosphate-ester-based hydraulic fluids. 1JC43-8-8 series fittings Applications include hydraulic industry standard, constant working pressure, high temperature, low temperature, suction and return. Available in sizes from ¼-inch to 2 inches in a wide variety of end formations, の 43 Series is offered in more than 2,500 configurations. 43 Series fittings also are available in stainless steel.

43 Series Fittings has Chromium-6 free plating and are used with Parker Hydraulic Braided, Light Spiral, Specialty, Suction and Return Hoses.



